We have hip and joints which are durable but the joint can get worn down with age or due to injury. Bones in the hip break as a result of a fall and result in fractures. Bursitis, tendinitis are also common causes of hip pain. Arthritis leads to wastage of cartilage, causing a reduced range of motion, stiffness and pain.


Knee pain is caused by damage to the ligaments and cartilage of the knee. Knee fractures also can cause pain. A change in direction or sudden stop while playing sports can cause twisting of the knee and injury. If the knee joint is dislocated, this can also cause knee pain.

Our therapy

Physical therapy is much beneficial for pain relief in the case of hip and knee pain. Manual techniques and mobilizations are the two methods used to provide much-required relief for people suffering from hip and knee pain. These therapies also improved the daily mobility and quality of life for these patients. Our therapist design specific exercises to target your hip and knee pain problems. We also administer passive treatments like ice therapy, heat therapy, laser, electrical stimulation and dynamic taping to reduce the pain.

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